The Power of Play Lunch

The Power of Play Lunch is an annual fundraising luncheon for Greentrike, a Tacoma based child-centered nonprofit that runs The Children’s Museum Of Tacoma, along with several other programs around Pierce County.

In 2020, we had to do it virtually. There was no way around it.

The question became: how do we translate the high energy of the lunch into a Zoom call? Then, once we figure out the philosophical questions, how do we actually do it?

What resulted was a three-day digital event, each focusing on a different demographic. The first day was a conversation with local political leaders. The second day was a child-focused event featuring puppets and special guests. The third was a conversation with Mike George, the president of Jeff Bezo’s Day 1 Academies.

On the technical end, I became versed in OBS, a broadcast software that allowed us to switch between live footage and pre-recorded. Our audio had to be processed live as well. These technical aspects fell on me, and it was a massively educational experience.

In the end, Greentrike walked away with $64,000. It was, by all accounts, a success.

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